奥壱岐の千年湯 平山旅館 <壱岐島>(おくいきのせんねんゆ ひらやまりょかん)(長崎県)


全216件 206~210
  • 夏休み突入。壱岐の海は透明感ある美しい海ですよー!是非、遊びに来てください。激しく遊んだあとは、身体を癒す千年温泉と至福の海の幸がみなさまをおまちしております!

  • [English follows Japanese] 昨日は旅ジャーナリストののかたさんが取材できてくれました。10月末の素敵な本が出るとのこと。楽しみです!!

    Yesterday Nokata san, a famous Travel journalist visited us to write about our Ryokan in a book which will be published end Oct with English Translation!!!

  • [English follows Japanese]


    We own huge land producing 100% organic vegetables and fruits. For instance we have 80 plum trees. We will make Plum pickles and also Plum & Shochu Alcohol drink. This drink is super delicious! please come and try them!

  • [English follows Japanes]

    Just 5mins drive from our Ryokan, we can see Fire Fly flying from May 10-early June. Last night I saw more than 100. Seeing Fire fly dancing is very romantic and also it tells you how much we should be eco-friendly hearing there are less and less places you can see them.

  • [English follows Japanese]

    Firefly is starting to spark! Yesterday I only saw about 10, but tonight there were about 30!

