龍飛崎温泉 ホテル竜飛(たっぴざきおんせん たっぴ)(青森県)


全207件 56~60
  • 開業50周年プランです。ぜひ龍飛崎にお越しくださいませ。http://www7.489ban.net/v4/client/plan/detail/customer/hoteltappi/plan/137996

  • 龍飛崎からお車で約1時間、子供から大人まで楽しめる施設がございます。
    HP https://www.wellnessdevelopment.co.jp/shiura/
    Facebook https://ja-jp.facebook.com/shiurand/

  • ※English follows Japanese
    7月19日にAndrew Hunt さん(オーストラリア) 10時間52分22秒で津軽海峡単独横断完泳しました。
    On July 19th, Mr. Andrew Hunt from Australia has successfully done a solo crossing Tsugaru Channel. The time is 10 hours 52 mins and 22 secs.
    And, Mr. Tomonari Ogino of Japan has also successfully finished a solo crossing Tsugaru Channel. The time is 12 hours 5 mins and 50 secs.

    They are the fourth and fifth swimmers who stayed at our hotel and completed the crossing, respectively.
    Congratulations on your success!

  • ※English follows Japanese
    7月4日Andre Wiersigさん(ドイツ)が12時間55分53秒で津軽海峡単独完泳しました。

    On July 4th, Mr. Andre Wiersig from Germany had successfully done a solo crossing Tsugaru Channel for 12 hours 55 mins 53 secs, even though the channel was a very bad condition to swim on that day.
    He is the third person who stayed at our hotel and has successfully done a crossing Tsugaru Channel this year.
    Congratulations on your success!

  • 通称:龍泊ライン、国道339号線、中泊町小泊~外ヶ浜町龍飛崎が本日、7月6日12:00まで通行止めです。迂回路ございますので、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。

