日本の宿 ひだ高山 倭乃里(にほんのやど ひだたかやま わのさと)(岐阜県)


全222件 86~90
  • Autumn is in full swing.
    How amezing it is...!!
    Autumn leaves are at their peak right now, I think.
    By the way, autumns are known to be good season to concentrate on hobbies in Japan.
    We believe autumn is best season to read books, or enjoy sports, or even to have great appetite.
    I always enjoy sports and foods in autumn.
    If I eat lots of foods I certainly need exercise, too! lol



  • Our chef is skillful knife handling.
    He handles his knife day after day.
    So, he wants to take a Wagasa instead of his knife.
    He looks very nice with Wagasa!
    Don't you think so?



  • Fall is arriving.
    How do we know?
    The leaves are changing!
    In autumn, Japanese go out to the mountainous countryside to see autumn leaves.
    For example, like Wanosato.


  • Do you know umbrella like photo?
    We call it Wagasa (Japanese umbrella).

    ‘Wagsa’ is the term for the handmade oiled paper umbrellas used in Japan since the 14th century. Originally imported from China, the idea of using paper, bamboo, and oil to create umbrellas was extensively refined by succeeding generations of master craftsmen, reaching its zenith during the Edo Period. Wagasa were common in Japan until the end of WWII, when imported western umbrellas made of synthetic materials replaced the traditional umbrellas. Where once there were hundreds of shops scattered throughout the archipelago, wagasa shops and the craftsmen that plied their trade within have dwindled to the point where there are but a handful left in the entire country.

    Wagasa are very environmentally friendly, being made of all natural renewable resources, and possess an innate beauty that captures the elegance of a bygone era. Although wagasa are often considered an example of fine art, and can be found in museums and high-end shops, they are in fact durable items intended for daily use. With care an umbrella can last for twenty years; damage to the paper can often be repaired, lengthening the service life as well. Japanese umbrellas function very well as sun shades in addition to the usual rain duty they see, casting soothing light on the user while protecting him/her from UV rays. Wagasa craftsman Hidenori Sugizaki invites you to consider making a Japanese umbrella part of your life, sharing a daily tradition that stretches back seven centuries.




  • Guests from Netherland.
    The Yukata looks great on them!
    Do you want to try it, too?
    If you do, please come to Wanosato!: )



