日本の宿 ひだ高山 倭乃里(にほんのやど ひだたかやま わのさと)(岐阜県)


全222件 1~5
  • ♨️One of the ONSEN in wanosato is surrounded by many megaliths. When you get into this hot spring, you will feel like you are in a cave. Surely your heart and body will be healed.


  • Wonderful breakfast at Wanosato. We had a great time for two nights. Everyone is so kind and welcoming we will miss this place. Our two little kids enjoyed the surroundings full of green and beauty. ありがとうございます!!

  • Please enjoy your meal while watching the refreshing sound of the murmur and the green trees.
    At the counter seat, you can enjoy cooking scenery and conversation with the chef's cheerful background.



  • 飛騨高山の古い町並みでは、旧暦の今日8月7日に七夕行事が行われています。

  • Seasonal Menu of August

    Junsai-Siroae (Water shield with Tofu paste)
    Tobiko (Flying Fish Roe)

    Ayu (Japanese sweet fish)
    Mitarashi Dango (Generally it refers to a non-sweetender kushi-dango broiled a little and coated with kuzu-an (a paste made from kuzu vine) flavored with sugar and soy-sauce as a finish)
    Boiled chrysanthemum and shrimp
    Boiled peach with red wine
    Grilled small eggplant with Miso-sauce

    Ichiziku (a type of fruit; called fig)
    Basil seeds
    Jelly of vegetables

    【Sashimi; Raw fish slice plate】
    Kijihata (land-locked variety of red spotted grouper)
    Tachiuo (scabbard fish) Deep-water shrimp
    Japanese professionally and beautifully arranged vegetables and seasoning and Wasabi

    【Steamed Dish】
    Boiled Chinese preserving melon
    Grass shrimp Early Matsutake mushroom

    【Main Dish】
    Top grade Hida beef steak
    Wasabi, Garlic-salt, and sauce and seasonal salad

    【Side Dish】
    Roasted or deep-fried “Catfish”, marinated a spicy sauce
    Flower of Malabar spinach and Paprika

    【End of the course Dish】
    Hiyaziru (It’s a rice dish which usually combines hot chilled miso paste mixture
    Japanese ginger cucumber and Siso(Japanese basil)
    Assorted Japanese pickled vegetables and cucumber

    Rare cheesecake of Tomato

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    先付 白和え
    飛び子 じゅんさい

    前菜 背ごし鮎 みたらし団子
    小茄子田楽 枝豆

    吸物 無花果のすり流し

    造里 岩魚のお造り

    煮物 冬瓜の姿煮込み
    才巻 早松

    合物 飛騨牛最高ランクA5等級陶板焼き
    ぽん酢 肉だれ

    酢物 河ふぐ南蛮漬け
    金時草 つるむらさきの花

    留椀 冷汁
    大葉 胡瓜 茗荷

    香の物 お漬物諸々

    水物 トマトのレアチーズケーキ

