新甲子温泉 甲子高原フジヤホテル(しんかしおんせん かしこうげん ふじやほてる)(福島県)


全778件 761~765
  • 【長旅の魅力】
    【Charm of the long journey】
    Intense rain of the early morning stops, and Shinkashi Onsen this morning is wrapped in deep fog. A co-worker of the former work of the same age stayed in the middle of one round of Japan yesterday. I arrive at the hotel last night at half past 18 and, for a trip to leave a footprint for 47 metropolis and districts, am precipitation leaving it this morning at half past 4. Stoic where there are surprisingly few camera, smartphone, battery charger and baggage only for changes of clothes and is the same level as a long-distance trail race. I think that the charm of the trip is one of the reasons why I fall into a trail race. There is a sense to make some long journey when it becomes the long-distance race exceeding 60km.

  • 【お手軽な百名山】
    【Simple 100 famous mountains in Japan】
    Shinkashi Onsen climbed Mt. Chausu with the synchronization married couple of the workplace before having come to stay openly today from past 5:00. The access from the teahouse of the mountain pass is excellent for access to the 100 famous mountains in Japan full of a feeling of high mountain and can appear to the ridgeline of Nasu mountain ranges of the 1,900m above sea level grade from the parking lot in approximately 30 minutes. When it is big and takes a deep breath while taking the morning sun which rose on a beautiful sea of clouds at the summit of Mt. Chausu, the fresh air of the mountain seems to be taken in a whole body.
    It is vegetables and an egg, breakfast of the French toast which I baked with a paella bun after I come back to the hotel and enter the hot spring. I will intend to make this a constant seller of the breakfast in future.

  • 【何もないのに全てがある】
    【Though there is nothing with all】
    I am up this morning at half past 2 and enter the hot spring, and starlit sky is seen when I go out to cool the body which flushed. I come to want to build a fire and take out a chair into the door and I look at a star while building a fire in the scrap wood which I got at an engineering firm and drink tea for some reason. The firewood is burnt; when smell it, remember a coastal high-quality resort of the American West Coast. Both the starlit sky and the open-air fire have a condition in Tokyo, but can enjoy it extremely routinely here. It is not mysterious that people feeling a question in the richness of the city increase. Though there is nothing, I think that it is the country that there is all.

  • 【技と人柄が人をひきつける】
    【Workmanship and personality attract a person】
    As for the hand which does not go to the mountain, there are none because the temperature is low mountain weather openly this morning. It was reverse to working on fine days and reading on rainy days, but walked the course of 23km to leave the hotel at 5:00, and to go around four peaks (Mt.Kashi 1,549m, Mt.Sudachi 1,720m, Mt.Sanbonyaridake 1,917m, Mt.Akazura 1,701m) of Nishigo-mura with Labrador. As for the distance, as for 22.97km, the accumulation altitude, 1,602m, the calories-out needed five hours eight minutes in 1,263kcal. It is the short course degree of the trail race, but can come back to the hotel at past 10:00.
    I did the meeting of the autumn event in Sendai on the afternoon of yesterday. I called at the shop of Sendai of Matsumoto who was taken care of when I worked in the morning in Tokyo. It is a store specializing in only coffee in Sendai of the establishment of a business for 1,978 years. The coupon which approximately 200 people buy is hung by a counter seat. There seems to be the customer buying a coupon of one year for 150,000 yen at the beginning of the year on expiration date. If it is a coupon, the pain of the payment thinks that it is the wise method that becomes easy to drop in afterward only at the first once. I think that the skill and personality of Matsumoto having a Brazilian authorized coffee valuer qualification and the double license of the senior sommelier considered to be the highest peak in a coffee valuer qualification attract a person. It is an aim to make such a hotel.

  • 温泉地や自然に恵まれる福島県で新たな時代のホテル・旅館経営を目指す起業家ならびに、後継者不足などによりホテル・旅館の将来を考えなおしたいオーナー・経営者、旅館の部屋オーナー(小口投資)を考えたい投資家などが一堂に会して福島におけるホテル・旅館の将来像を語る日本初のハッカソン型イベントです。少しだけ興味があるという方の参加も歓迎します。

    13:30-14:00 チェックイン・ガイダンス
    14:00-15:30 再生中の甲子高原フジヤホテルの現状・館内見学
    15:30-17:00 旅館物件の紹介(旅館経営者・オーナー)
    17:00-18:00 温泉・自由時間
    18:00-19:00 夕食
    19:00-21:00 懇親会

    6:00-7:00 阿武隈源流散策(希望者)
    7:00-9:00 朝食
    9:00-11:00 再生プランのプレゼンテーション・フリー討議
    11:00-13:00 森のパエリア(情報交換・昼食)





    協力:一般社団法人 MAKOTO


